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Reinforcing bars post-installed with adhesive systems
Reinforcing bars post-installed with adhesive systems qualified per the AC308 test program demonstrate equivalence to cast-in-place reinforcing bars.
Post-installed reinforcing bars can now be designed for development using the provisions of ACI 318-11. The ICC-ES "Acceptance Criteria for Post-Installed Adhesive Anchors in Concrete Elements", otherwise known as AC308, now includes provisions to assess adhesive systems for use with the development and splice provisions of ACI 318-11 Chapter 12 (non-seismic) and Chapter 21 (seismic). The test program outlined in Table 3.8 of AC308 includes assessment of an adhesive system when reinforcing bars are post-installed to an embedment as deep as 60danchor. Adhesive systems that successfully complete the AC308 test program will receive recognition under the International Building Code (IBC) in an ICC-ES Evaluation Service Report.
Designing post-installed reinforcing bars using the development and splice provisions of ACI 318-11 Chapter 12 and Chapter 21 is different than designing post-installed reinforcing bars using the anchoring provisions of ACI 318-11 Appendix D.
Learn more about the significance of the new post-installed reinforcing bar provisions of AC308.
Hilti is the first to have an ICC-ES Evaluation Service Report for designing post-installed reinforcing bars with the development and splice provisions of ACI 318-11.

The Hilti HIT-RE 500-SD adhesive system is the first adhesive system to be qualified per the provisions in AC308 Table 3.8. ESR-2322 for HIT-RE 500-SD is the first ICC-ES Evaluation Service Report to include recognition under the 2012 IBC for designing post-installed reinforcing bars using the development and splice provisions of ACI 318-11 Chapter 12 and Chapter 21
ESR-3187 for Hilti HIT-HY 200 also includes recognition under the 2012 IBC for designing post-installed reinforcing bars using the development and splice provisions of ACI 318-11 Chapter 12 and Chapter 21
Hilti provides software, technical information and specifications for designing post-installed reinforcing bars.
Hilti has developed PROFIS Rebar software for designing post-installed reinforcing bars with the development and splice provisions of ACI 318-11. PROFIS Rebar calculates tension and compression lap splice lengths, development lengths for starter bars, development lengths for special moment frames and special structural walls, and development lengths for shear dowels. PROFIS Rebar also calculates post-installed reinforcing bar embedment’s based on research conducted using shear friction theory.
The Hilti Post-Installed Rebar Supplement contains pre-calculated tables for ACI 318-11Chapter 12 tension development and lap splice lengths. It also contains tables with pre-calculated bar embedments based on extrapolations made using ACI 318-11 Appendix D provisions.